Nothing Wasted


Nothing is wasted! If you’re going through a time of struggle, doubt, confusion, or feelings of defeat and/or despair, worry not. No season and no experience in life is a waste!

You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels or even be in a time where you’re feel like you’re not growing, but if we look at David’s and Joseph’s lives, we see that everything they encountered was used for their purpose. David’s time as a shepherd protecting the flock, taught him how to be a great warrior and leader. Joseph being betrayed by his brothers was actually the catalyst to his journey of becoming 2nd in command in Egypt and being in perfect position to save his own people.

This is why that it is imperative that we handle difficult and frustrating times with care. Philippians 2 talks of doing all things without complaining and disputing in order to be lights to others. If we can handle ourselves well under pressure, our efforts will not be in vain and we will be entrusted with more than we may be able to imagine.

We also must be careful not to mourn over or long for the former "glory days" when we’re going through hard times. In 1 Samuel 16, the Lord asks Samuel how long he was going to mourn over Saul being removed from the throne. The Lord basically tells Samuel to move on from his disappointment, and let go of his ideas of what should have been because the Lord is putting something better into place.

We must be careful to have a thankful heart and not complain when things aren’t so ideal because we may be at risk of becoming stuck in what was and miss learning things that will push us into something greater!