Broken Cisterns & Fast Food Living


Why do we continue to go to broken cisterns and fast food places? What do I mean? Why do we continue to maintain toxic and unhealthy relationships?

Relationships where we give more than we receive.

Relationships where gossip is the main mode of communication. Relationships where disrespect is evident, but we continue to accept it. Relationships where we’re not getting anything we need out of them, but we stay because it’s easier to maintain what is familiar than it is to start over. Relationships where we put up with anything just to “keep the peace.”

Do you really have peace though? Is it really easier to watch the other party being nourished while you’re slowly wasting away in the relationship?

People in 3rd world countries, drink water out of dirty streams and rivers because they don’t know what it is to have clean water. Or clean water is scarce. We as Americans, would have a hard time drinking dirty water because we know what it is to have clean water. Sure it would quench our thirst for the moment, but we know that it would do nothing to nourish us. As a matter of fact, we know that it would make us sick.

We tend to be like the people drinking dirty water spiritually, emotionally, and mentally when it comes to relationships. Why? The same reason why fast food places have been abundant and flourishing for decades. It satisfies our hunger. We know fast food does little to nothing to actually nourish our bodies, but when we’re hungry, we want to eat NOW. And we want to eat whatever sounds good to us at the moment, instead of taking the time to prepare a nourishing meal.

Psalm 139 is the perfect picture of the Lord’s love for each of us and the intimacy we ultimately crave. “Oh my gosh we finish each other’s sentences.” “They’re my best friend because we think so much alike. It’s like they’re reading my mind.” “You should know how I feel because you should know me by now.” “I shouldn’t have to tell you what’s wrong. You should know.” Have you ever said anything similar to those things, to a loved one? Or even thought these things as you’re silently struggling with disappointment?

Psalm 139 says He took time to KNOW every intricate detail about us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. He knows our every thought, but still loves us. He knows our every move, but still pursues us. He knows our every dark place or weakness, but never leaves us. So why then, do we continuously seek nourishment from broken cisterns (Jeremiah 2:13) and fast food places? We need to cling to the source of Life (John 1:1-4). Drink from the well where we’ll never thirst again (John 4:1-28). Feed off of His Word (Matthew 4:4).